Sep 24, 2023

Carbon source found on surface of Jupiter's moon Europa

Jupiter's moon Europa is one of a handful of worlds in our solar system that could potentially harbor conditions suitable for life. Previous research has shown that beneath its water-ice crust lies a salty ocean of liquid water with a rocky seafloor. However, planetary scientists had not confirmed if that ocean contained the chemicals needed for life, particularly carbon.

Astronomers using data from NASA's James Webb Space Telescope have identified carbon dioxide in a specific region on the icy surface of Europa. Analysis indicates that this carbon likely originated in the subsurface ocean and was not delivered by meteorites or other external sources. Moreover, it was deposited on a geologically recent timescale. This discovery has important implications for the potential habitability of Europa's ocean.

"On Earth, life likes chemical diversity -- the more diversity, the better. We're carbon-based life. Understanding the chemistry of Europa's ocean will help us determine whether it's hostile to life as we know it, or if it might be a good place for life," said Geronimo Villanueva of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, lead author of one of two independent papers describing the findings.

"We now think that we have observational evidence that the carbon we see on Europa's surface came from the ocean. That's not a trivial thing. Carbon is a biologically essential element," added Samantha Trumbo of Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, lead author of the second paper analyzing these data.

NASA plans to launch its Europa Clipper spacecraft, which will perform dozens of close flybys of Europa to further investigate whether it could have conditions suitable for life, in October 2024.

A Surface-Ocean Connection

Webb finds that on Europa's surface, carbon dioxide is most abundant in a region called Tara Regio -- a geologically young area of generally resurfaced terrain known as "chaos terrain." The surface ice has been disrupted, and there likely has been an exchange of material between the subsurface ocean and the icy surface.

"Previous observations from the Hubble Space Telescope show evidence for ocean-derived salt in Tara Regio," explained Trumbo. "Now we're seeing that carbon dioxide is heavily concentrated there as well. We think this implies that the carbon probably has its ultimate origin in the internal ocean."

"Scientists are debating how much Europa's ocean connects to its surface. I think that question has been a big driver of Europa exploration," said Villanueva. "This suggests that we may be able to learn some basic things about the ocean's composition even before we drill through the ice to get the full picture."

Both teams identified the carbon dioxide using data from the integral field unit of Webb's Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec). This instrument mode provides spectra with a resolution of 200 x 200 miles (320 x 320 kilometers) on the surface of Europa, which has a diameter of 1,944 miles, allowing astronomers to determine where specific chemicals are located.

Carbon dioxide isn't stable on Europa's surface. Therefore, the scientists say it's likely that it was supplied on a geologically recent timescale -- a conclusion bolstered by its concentration in a region of young terrain.

"These observations only took a few minutes of the observatory's time," said Heidi Hammel of the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, a Webb interdisciplinary scientist leading Webb's Cycle 1 Guaranteed Time Observations of the solar system. "Even with this short period of time, we were able to do really big science. This work gives a first hint of all the amazing solar system science we'll be able to do with Webb."

Searching for a Plume

Villanueva's team also looked for evidence of a plume of water vapor erupting from Europa's surface. Researchers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope reported tentative detections of plumes in 2013, 2016, and 2017. However, finding definitive proof has been difficult.

The new Webb data shows no evidence of plume activity, which allowed Villanueva's team to set a strict upper limit on the rate of material potentially being ejected. The team stressed, however, that their non-detection does not rule out a plume.

"There is always a possibility that these plumes are variable and that you can only see them at certain times. All we can say with 100% confidence is that we did not detect a plume at Europa when we made these observations with Webb," said Hammel.

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New recipes for origin of life may point way to distant, inhabited planets

Life on a faraway planet -- if it's out there -- might not look anything like life on Earth. But there are only so many chemical ingredients in the universe's pantry, and only so many ways to mix them. A team led by scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison has exploited those limitations to write a cookbook of hundreds of chemical recipes with the potential to give rise to life.

Their ingredient list could focus the search for life elsewhere in the universe by pointing out the most likely conditions -- planetary versions of mixing techniques, oven temperatures and baking times -- for the recipes to come together.

The process of progressing from basic chemical ingredients to the complex cycles of cell metabolism and reproduction that define life, the researchers say, requires not only a simple beginning but also repetition.

"The origin of life really is a something-from-nothing process," says Betül Kaçar, a NASA-supported astrobiologist and UW-Madison professor of bacteriology. "But that something can't happen just once. Life comes down to chemistry and conditions that can generate a self-reproducing pattern of reactions."

Chemical reactions that produce molecules that encourage the same reaction to happen again and again are called autocatalytic reactions. In a new study published Sept. 18 in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, Zhen Peng, a postdoctoral researcher in the Kaçar laboratory, and collaborators compiled 270 combinations of molecules -- involving atoms from all groups and series across the periodic table -- with the potential for sustained autocatalysis.

"It was thought that these sorts of reactions are very rare," says Kaçar. "We are showing that it's actually far from rare. You just need to look in the right place."

The researchers focused their search on what are called comproportionation reactions. In these reactions, two compounds that include the same element with different numbers of electrons, or reactive states, combine to create a new compound in which the element is in the middle of the starting reactive states.

To be autocatalytic, the outcome of the reaction also needs to provide starting materials for the reaction to occur again, so the output becomes a new input says Zach Adam, a co-author of the study and a UW-Madison geoscientist studying the origins of life on Earth. Comproportionation reactions result in multiple copies of some of the molecules involved, providing materials for the next steps in autocatalysis.

"If those conditions are right, you can start with relatively few of those outputs," Adam says. "Every time you take a turn of the cycle you spit out at least one extra output which speeds up the reaction and makes it happen even faster."

Autocatalysis is like a growing population of rabbits. Pairs of rabbits come together, produce litters of new rabbits, and then the new rabbits grow up to pair off themselves and make even more rabbits. It doesn't take many rabbits to soon have many more rabbits.

Looking for floppy ears and fuzzy tails out in the universe, however, probably isn't a winning strategy. Instead, Kaçar hopes chemists will pull ideas from the new study's recipe list and test them out in pots and pans simulating extraterrestrial kitchens.

"We will never definitively know what exactly happened on this planet to generate life. We don't have a time machine," Kaçar says. "But, in a test tube, we can create multiple planetary conditions to understand how the dynamics to sustain life can evolve in the first place."

Kaçar leads a NASA-supported consortium called MUSE, for Metal Utilization & Selection Across Eons. Her lab will focus on reactions including the elements molybdenum and iron, and she is excited to see what others cook up from the most exotic and unusual parts of the new recipe book.

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Shape-changing smart speaker lets users mute different areas of a room

In virtual meetings, it's easy to keep people from talking over each other. Someone just hits mute. But for the most part, this ability doesn't translate easily to recording in-person gatherings. In a bustling cafe, there are no buttons to silence the table beside you.

The ability to locate and control sound -- isolating one person talking from a specific location in a crowded room, for instance -- has challenged researchers, especially without visual cues from cameras.

A team led by researchers at the University of Washington has developed a shape-changing smart speaker, which uses self-deploying microphones to divide rooms into speech zones and track the positions of individual speakers. With the help of the team's deep-learning algorithms, the system lets users mute certain areas or separate simultaneous conversations, even if two adjacent people have similar voices. Like a fleet of Roombas, each about an inch in diameter, the microphones automatically deploy from, and then return to, a charging station. This allows the system to be moved between environments and set up automatically. In a conference room meeting, for instance, such a system might be deployed instead of a central microphone, allowing better control of in-room audio.

The team published its findings Sept. 21 in Nature Communications.

"If I close my eyes and there are 10 people talking in a room, I have no idea who's saying what and where they are in the room exactly. That's extremely hard for the human brain to process. Until now, it's also been difficult for technology," said co-lead author Malek Itani, a UW doctoral student in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering. "For the first time, using what we're calling a robotic 'acoustic swarm,' we're able to track the positions of multiple people talking in a room and separate their speech."

Previous research on robot swarms has required using overhead or on-device cameras, projectors or special surfaces. The UW team's system is the first to accurately distribute a robot swarm using only sound.

The team's prototype consists of seven small robots that spread themselves across tables of various sizes. As they move from their charger, each robot emits a high frequency sound, like a bat navigating, using this frequency and other sensors to avoid obstacles and move around without falling off the table. The automatic deployment allows the robots to place themselves for maximum accuracy, permitting greater sound control than if a person set them. The robots disperse as far from each other as possible since greater distances make differentiating and locating people speaking easier. Today's consumer smart speakers have multiple microphones, but clustered on the same device, they're too close to allow for this system's mute and active zones.

"If I have one microphone a foot away from me, and another microphone two feet away, my voice will arrive at the microphone that's a foot away first. If someone else is closer to the microphone that's two feet away, their voice will arrive there first," said co-lead authorTuochao Chen, a UW doctoral student in the Allen School. "We developed neural networks that use these time-delayed signals to separate what each person is saying and track their positions in a space. So you can have four people having two conversations and isolate any of the four voices and locate each of the voices in a room."

The team tested the robots in offices, living rooms and kitchens with groups of three to five people speaking. Across all these environments, the system could discern different voices within 1.6 feet (50 centimeters) of each other 90% of the time, without prior information about the number of speakers. The system was able to process three seconds of audio in 1.82 seconds on average -- fast enough for live streaming, though a bit too long for real-time communications such as video calls.

As the technology progresses, researchers say, acoustic swarms might be deployed in smart homes to better differentiate people talking with smart speakers. That could potentially allow only people sitting on a couch, in an "active zone," to vocally control a TV, for example.

Researchers plan to eventually make microphone robots that can move around rooms, instead of being limited to tables. The team is also investigating whether the speakers can emit sounds that allow for real-world mute and active zones, so people in different parts of a room can hear different audio. The current study is another step toward science fiction technologies, such as the "cone of silence" in "Get Smart" and"Dune," the authors write.

Of course, any technology that evokes comparison to fictional spy tools will raise questions of privacy. Researchers acknowledge the potential for misuse, so they have included guards against this: The microphones navigate with sound, not an onboard camera like other similar systems. The robots are easily visible and their lights blink when they're active. Instead of processing the audio in the cloud, as most smart speakers do, the acoustic swarms process all the audio locally, as a privacy constraint. And even though some people's first thoughts may be about surveillance, the system can be used for the opposite, the team says.

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Jellyfish, with no central brain, shown to learn from past experience

Even without a central brain, jellyfish can learn from past experiences like humans, mice, and flies, scientists report for the first time on September 22 in the journal Current Biology. They trained Caribbean box jellyfish (Tripedalia cystophora) to learn to spot and dodge obstacles. The study challenges previous notions that advanced learning requires a centralized brain and sheds light on the evolutionary roots of learning and memory.

No bigger than a fingernail, these seemingly simple jellies have a complex visual system with 24 eyes embedded in their bell-like body. Living in mangrove swamps, the animal uses its vision to steer through murky waters and swerve around underwater tree roots to snare prey. Scientists demonstrated that the jellies could acquire the ability to avoid obstacles through associative learning, a process through which organisms form mental connections between sensory stimulations and behaviors.

"Learning is the pinnacle performance for nervous systems," says first author Jan Bielecki of Kiel University, Germany. To successfully teach jellyfish a new trick, he says "it's best to leverage its natural behaviors, something that makes sense to the animal, so it reaches its full potential."

The team dressed a round tank with gray and white stripes to simulate the jellyfish's natural habitat, with gray stripes mimicking mangrove roots that would appear distant. They observed the jellyfish in the tank for 7.5 minutes. Initially, the jelly swam close to these seemingly far stripes and bumped into them frequently. But by the end of the experiment, the jelly increased its average distance to the wall by about 50%, quadrupled the number of successful pivots to avoid collision and cut its contact with the wall by half. The findings suggest that jellyfish can learn from experience through visual and mechanical stimuli.

"If you want to understand complex structures, it's always good to start as simple as you can," says senior author Anders Garm of the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. "Looking at these relatively simple nervous systems in jellyfish, we have a much higher chance of understanding all the details and how it comes together to perform behaviors."

The researchers then sought to identify the underlying process of jellyfish's associative learning by isolating the animal's visual sensory centers called rhopalia. Each of these structures houses six eyes and generates pacemaker signals that govern the jellyfish's pulsing motion, which spikes in frequency when the animal swerves from obstacles.

The team showed the stationary rhopalium moving gray bars to mimic the animal's approach to objects. The structure did not respond to light gray bars, interpreting them as distant. However, after the researchers trained the rhopalium with weak electric stimulation when the bars approach, it started generating obstacle-dodging signals in response to the light gray bars. These electric stimulations mimicked the mechanical stimuli of a collision. The findings further showed that combining visual and mechanical stimuli is required for associative learning in jellyfish and that the rhopalium serves as a learning center.

Next, the team plans to dive deeper into the cellular interactions of jellyfish nervous systems to tease apart memory formation. They also plan to further understand how the mechanical sensor in the bell works to paint a complete picture of the animal's associative learning.

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