Jul 2, 2014

Tibetans Are Related to a Now-Extinct Human Species

Tibetans retain DNA from a species of human that they ironically helped push to extinction, according to a new study published in the journal Nature.

The gene allows Tibetans to adapt to high altitudes of 15,000 feet or more, researchers found.

“We have very clear evidence that this version of the gene came from Denisovans,” said principal author Rasmus Nielsen, a Berkeley professor of integrative biology, in a press release. Denisovans were a mysterious human relative that went extinct 40,000-50,000 years ago, around the same time as the more well-known Neanderthals, under pressure from modern humans.

“This shows very clearly and directly that humans evolved and adapted to new environments by getting their genes from another species,” Nielsen said.

That’s significant because it means we are all probably mutts, descended from more than one species of human. Homo sapiens didn’t just evolve and somehow lead to all modern humans today. Homo sapiens instead interbred with other species seemingly wherever they met, from Africa to Europe to, in this case, Asia.

What’s new and particularly interesting about this study is that it’s the first time a gene from another species of human has been shown unequivocally to help modern humans adapt to their environment.

The gene variant allows Tibetans to survive low-oxygen levels at high elevations that would cause others to develop thick blood, leading to cardiovascular problems. The gene passed down from Denisovans, called EPAS1, activates when oxygen levels in the blood drop, triggering production of more hemoglobin, which is the red-colored protein responsible for transporting oxygen in blood.

Too much hemoglobin thickens blood, which can result in heart attacks and death. The gene only leads to slight increases of hemoglobin — just enough to counter the oxygen reduction experienced on mountaintops.

“We found part of the EPAS1 gene in Tibetans is almost identical to the gene in Denisovans and very different from all other humans,” Nielsen said. “We can do a statistical analysis to show that this must have come from Denisovans. There is no other way of explaining the data.”

The researchers made this determination after conducting blood tests on Tibetans. Previously, researchers sequenced a Denisovan bone found in a Siberian cave, so Nielsen and his team were able to match the Denisovan gene to the one found in Tibetans’ blood.

Read more at Discovery News

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