Apr 1, 2011

Top 10 April Fool's Day hoaxes 2011

The Guardian today set up a 'Royal Wedding Live' blog in attempt to show 'full throated support' for the British Monarchy.

The tongue-in-cheek feature launched at 7:30 this morning and has vowed to give 'committed, unrivalled coverage' of the preparations for this year's big Royal wedding. At 10:11AM news of the wedding cancellation hit the site.

At 11.38, however, the updates were apparently forced to stop after they received "a communication from Buckingham Palace suggesting that some of the contents of [the] blog could contravene the Treason Felony Act of 1848."

Groupon “buy” April Fool's Day
Groupon, the vouchers website, claims to have purchased the April Fool's Day intellectual trademark, and giving it the official new title of Groupon Presents April Fools’ Day™.

Explaining its actions, Groupon say it "gives consumers more choices and better options" and that "You'll never again be confused by other corporations' April 1 pranks, since Groupon will be taking friendly, but swift, but hostile, legal actions against any nonlicensed April Fools' Day™ joke."

You can also see the Cease and Desist letters it has served to YouTube and others that are performing 'illegal pranks'.

Youtube Cease and Desist order 
YouTube's "centenary"
To see exactly what it was that YouTube did to anger groupon's legal department you merely need to go to their homepage.

With the logo changed to infer that the website was founded in 1911, users are given the choice to change the look of videos to make them silent and sepia-toned.

A collection of spoof videos from that year that mimic popular viral videos of today was also posted
In case people are fooled by this, Groupon helpfully point out, "nearly all technology necessary for Youtube.com or any other video website to function including the Internet, computers, speakers, and video sharing software were invented far after the purported advent of Youtube.com"

Gmail Motion
Google have found a way of combining your webcam and Gmail to dispense with outdated technology such as a keyboard and a mouse. By standing a safe distance from your computer, you will be able to issue commands by using different body shapes.

With a helpful motion guide, Google say that "movements are designed to be simple and intuitive for people of all skill levels". Leaning to your left will go to your inbox, while bringing your right arm up to your head with a closed fist will reply to the email.

Unfortunately, if you click to try Gmail motion, you get the message, "Gmail Motion doesn't actually exist. At least not yet... "

Virgin buys Pluto
Sir Richard Branson today released information about Virgin's latest tourism-based business venture. Virgin news announced that the company has bought Pluto and will attempt to have it reinstated as a planet.

Sir Richard said: "Virgin has expanded into many territories over the years, but we have never had our own planet before. This could pave the way for a new age in space tourism." 
The company have even created a special vehicle - due to be launched this time next year - which they hope will be capable of 're-structuring' Pluto by leaching on to asteroids and 'bulking up' the planet in order to reach the required planetary mass.

Read more at The Telegraph

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