Feb 24, 2011

Neanderthals Wore Feathers as Fashion Accessories

Neanderthals living in what is now Italy may have used feathers as fashion accessories, according to a study on 44,000-year-old bird bones.

While investigating Neanderthal remains in the Fumane Cave near Verona in northern Italy, paleoanthropologist Marco Peresani from the University of Ferrara and colleagues discovered 660 bird bones in layers that were dated to around 44,000 years ago.

Belonging to 22 species of birds, the remains included several wing bones which, according to the researchers, were deliberately cut to take the feathers off.

"Cut, peeling and scrape marks are observed exclusively on wings, indicating the intentional removal of large feathers," Peresani and colleagues wrote in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

The 22 species of birds included bearded lammergeiers, red-footed falcons, Eurasian black vultures, golden eagles, common wood pigeons, and Alpine choughs.

The colors of the plumage ranged from black, gray, blue-gray, and orange-slate gray.

"The Neanderthals from Fumane removed the remiges, which are the longest and more beautiful feathers," Peresani said.

Alpine chough

In line with previous research suggesting that Neanderthals may have worn brightly colored mollusc shells as jewelry, the researchers believe the feathers were used as ornaments.

Read more at Discovery News

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